Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Outside Transformation and Logging

Here is some "before" pictures, taken in summer 2013 after we had lived in the house about 6 months. We had not touched anything outside yet.

Looking up the driveway, standing by the big maple. You can see our neighbor's for sale sign
This is the shop view

The big maple tree, and the side of our house that you see when coming up the drive.

This was before we tore the extra staircase off of the deck and made a play house out of it.

Lots of random bushes and trees.

Another view of the maple tree.

The playhouse we built from the old staircase, and looking down the driveway to the road. I was standing on the deck taking this picture.

My dad and hubby and neighbor started cutting random trees down. They had just chopped down the big tree by the shop


Audience :)

One down!! Beginnings of a view.

This was a rotten tree by our shed

Here is my dad in his element!

Some trees cut behind the house

and more

Then we had a 2 man crew come in to log the rest.
The excavator that they used.

This is where that big tree was by the shop

Here is the other side of the house, by the shed, some big ole trees that were a danger to our house came down. I don't have to worry in a windstorm anymore.


big ole stump

The road was blocked some of the time, but they were very quick to clear it off after the trees fell.

Starting to see some of the view...

Our neighbor works in excavation and helped level out the area by the shop and flatten it more.

Big Cedar tree in the left corner. This little section was my only view for a year :) Totally blocked off by trees!

There is a power line that runs across the front of our house. The power company had to come out and cut LOTS of tree branches out of the way.

Starting to cut into the big Cedar tree!



Big ole tree!!

Limbing the tree
First load going out :)

Power company limbing some final trees

I was not home when they cut the big maple, but here it is! My uncle got it to make furniture with.

The maples!!


would you look at that
My mother and father in law and hubby enjoying the sunshine. Kevin decided to rip out all the ugly rhododendrons and I said "GOOD RIDDANCE!" :)

The last bush.
Sunrise on a beautiful spring morning. Sigh. So blessed with my view now!

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