Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Priming, and painting.... and some more wallpaper

 Just a collection of random pictures throughout the wallpaper/priming/painting/texturing days...

Scraping, peeling ladedahhhh! LOVELY light fixture.

TOTAL before pic, even before I got the fireplace done.

Wallpaper!! 3 layers on this wall.

Yet another type of wallpaper

READY for primer!! Yay!

Me in my hubby's shirt priming walls!

First wall that is completely wallpaper free, and PRIMED!!! What an accomplishment.

hmmmm. so purty.

New light fixture. Matches the ones over the bar in the kitchen.

Another wall completely wallpaper free and primed!!

Wallpaper gone, ready for mud and texture, then I primed it.

Mudded and textured. Miss Brie looking on.

Texturing in process

All textured!


Start priming and then painting!

Withered Moss, going on!!
Kilz odorless primer, very messy but it did the trick. Smoke smell gone! Or at least greatly diminished. :)


process of priming.

painting, painting...

almost done!

AND this is what we are sitting with now, this was done back in April/May-ish 2013. It is now October and still nothing on the bottom half. We were going to do redwood to match the ceiling, but we changed our minds. So I have to have a painter come back out and texture the bottom and do some more priming and painting.

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