Thursday, August 8, 2013

Laundry room redo!

The old laundry room was a mess. I never did get a complete BEFORE shot... just in the process of. There were all kinds of dirty wire racks in random spots. Not a very good use of space. We re-used some of the kitchen cabinets in the laundry room :).

before, you can kind of see outlines of where all the ugly racks were. The big white rectangle was where the ironing board was.
spliced together cabinets from the kitchen :) way to recycle!
prefab counter from Lowes!
new shelf and hanging rack
Before, above the washer and dryer
"New" cabinets from the kitchen!

moved the ironing board behind the door, and put the old cabinets that were over the fridge above it.

banged up cupboards under the laundry sink
Annie Sloan chalk paint in Provence... same color I used on front door. I want a bright and cheery laundry room :)
First cupboards painted!!

Top cabs painted except a few touch up
painted, and doors waxed/distressed and dark waxed

Had to pull out all the drawers to paint the casing
Bottom cabinets done!! Once its all completed I will update.

Backsplash install in kitchen

LOVE the stone! We went all the way up.
 Tossing around what to do on the backsplash, we looked at SO MANY different tiles and ideas. We found this stuff at Home Depot and LOVE it. It was fairly easy for Kevin to do on his own, and we went all the way up with it.
Kevin did this one all by himself! First time being a mason :)
looks so cool

working hard!

Pantry in Annie Sloan Old White

We decided to use these cabinets as our pantry... there is a walk in pantry as well, but very cramped quarters. We are using that one for storage. BUT it was ugly, so of course I had to paint it. :)
first door started!
Me painting the casing!

doors done, 1st coat done on casing.
adding the dark wax

Clear wax, distressed, dark wax. I learned a new trick after I did this. If you mix the dark wax with a little mineral spirits, it goes on much more smoothly. I have not taken another pic yet, but will update when I do. I used a rag with mineral spirits and rubbed a lot of the dark wax off. It is much less streaky looking now. :)
wall finally primed, I want to put a big clock there!

fun new Hobby Lobby knobs :)

Hubby installed wire shelving so I have a fully functional pantry now!

I love it now!!! We still need to texture the wall and paint, but for now it will do.

Guest bath... cabinets painted!

UGLY 1970's cabinets in the bathroom. Also hideous wallpaper that is impossible to get off. It is going slooowwly.

First coat of Annie Sloan old white paint, and starting on the second. I mixed with water, it was sparse coverage.
clear wax, and then distressed with sand paper.

doors and drawers done! now to do the casing.
closeup of dark waxed and completed doors to the incomplete casing.
Done! I LOVE how they turned out, probably my most favorite cabinets yet. Just need knobs now :)
Sigh... This wallpaper comes of like Saran Wrap would. ugh. Taking forever! 

I was going to replace the light fixture, but now I think I may try to paint it with Old White to match the cabinets. We shall see.

Re-do table/chairs in Annie Sloan Old White

I love Annie Sloan Chalk Paint!! Old White is my favorite color. I got a new table for $75 off Craigslist and I love it! But it needed to be all one color, its very unique and has different styles of legs.
         Here is the BEFORE of my table. I LOVE
         the pine top!

first coat of paint
waxed and distressed
done :)

before... chair

first coat of Annie Sloan Old White!

Waxed, distressed, and dark waxed. I love it!

I love how they turned out!! I don't have a completed pic of the set because my house is torn apart right now, getting wood put on the ceiling! Finally getting some stuff done again.