Thursday, August 8, 2013

Guest bath... cabinets painted!

UGLY 1970's cabinets in the bathroom. Also hideous wallpaper that is impossible to get off. It is going slooowwly.

First coat of Annie Sloan old white paint, and starting on the second. I mixed with water, it was sparse coverage.
clear wax, and then distressed with sand paper.

doors and drawers done! now to do the casing.
closeup of dark waxed and completed doors to the incomplete casing.
Done! I LOVE how they turned out, probably my most favorite cabinets yet. Just need knobs now :)
Sigh... This wallpaper comes of like Saran Wrap would. ugh. Taking forever! 

I was going to replace the light fixture, but now I think I may try to paint it with Old White to match the cabinets. We shall see.

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