Thursday, August 8, 2013

Pantry in Annie Sloan Old White

We decided to use these cabinets as our pantry... there is a walk in pantry as well, but very cramped quarters. We are using that one for storage. BUT it was ugly, so of course I had to paint it. :)
first door started!
Me painting the casing!

doors done, 1st coat done on casing.
adding the dark wax

Clear wax, distressed, dark wax. I learned a new trick after I did this. If you mix the dark wax with a little mineral spirits, it goes on much more smoothly. I have not taken another pic yet, but will update when I do. I used a rag with mineral spirits and rubbed a lot of the dark wax off. It is much less streaky looking now. :)
wall finally primed, I want to put a big clock there!

fun new Hobby Lobby knobs :)

Hubby installed wire shelving so I have a fully functional pantry now!

I love it now!!! We still need to texture the wall and paint, but for now it will do.

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