Monday, May 6, 2013

Cabinets are here!!!

We did our homework before buying cabinets. We got bids from about 10 different places. I had my heart set on cream, distressed cabinets. OF COURSE those are the most expensive kind!! The CHEAPEST we found was $7000 for cabinets alone.

We finally found this gem of a place in Portland, OR called Wong's Best Floors. The cheapest for the best quality. They also did our granite counters, and the cabinets and counters INSTALLED was less than $6000. WOW, we were impressed.
Their website is if you are interested, we highly recommend them.
I did not get my cream cabinets :( far from it, but Chocolate Maple ones instead. They are really nice, just not cream. I like them, they are very classy.

                                        Blake and Daddy very excited to watch the process!!
                            Please take note of the wallpaper loveliness in the back ground :)

All along this far wall was my kitchen for 5 weeks! The fridge was in front of our sliding glass door. We ate a lot of Burgerville and thai food, cold sandwiches etc. I used lots and lots of paper plates, cups and plastic silverware.
Et, VOILA!!! Yay!!!!! Talk about a complete change! So much room. Kevin refused to move so he
 is in the pic too. Counters were installed the next day!

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