Friday, May 3, 2013

Front door transformed!

I started out by choosing my paint color, which is Provence by Annie Sloan. I am OBSESSED with this color! It is so soft,dreamy, bright and beautiful. I would classify it as a light turquoise. I then washed my door, and got to work!
Then, I was too impatient to start painting, so I did not tape off anything yet. I just started with the basics, first coat.
Annie Sloan chalk paint is amazing. You do not have to sand or prime, you just start painting! It is expensive, but well worth it to me, as the paint goes so far. I have not even used 1/4 of the quart can it comes in! Here is the next step, I taped everything off, and all coats are done. (Notice my cute little plant stand that I got from Rusty Glamour, an AWESOME shop here in my little town that has all kinds of cool vintage and rustic decor and misc. $12!! I also get my Annie Sloan paint there.)
I put clear wax over the whole thing and wiped it off. Sanded a little on the edges to distress mostly in the little designs in the center. Then I put dark wax around the edges and in the design.
TA DA!!! All done, and I love it!!! So inviting.

Until next time,

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