Monday, May 6, 2013

Kitchen BEFORE

Our kitchen has been our biggest project! I told my hubby that if we bought this house I was getting a new kitchen. Period! The counters were at least 5 different heights, and the stove top was right in the middle of the island. There was a micro/oven combo in the brick wall, and the oven was tiny! you could only fit one dish at a time there. The refrigerator was on the right hand side and would constantly hit the counter every time you opened the door. Notice the cute 80's TV up in the left corner. How ugly!! BUT we LOVED the brick wall, and the little woodstove is adorable. Everything else was going!!

These were taken just as we were moving in, and with my phone, so quality is not the best. I have misplaced my SD card that has the complete before pics of the kitchen. :( I hope I can find it!! Darn construction mess anyway.

 This counter was so short!! And what a weird shape.

 WHY put a cooktop in the middle of the kitchen??? I splattered spaghetti sauce all over the floor when I made spaghetti.
The lovely stainless sink and plastic faucet.

So, there you have it, dysfunction at its finest! It was very cramped quarters.

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