Monday, May 6, 2013

Floor acid stained and sealed

 This was the most exciting part for me I think! I was just so ready to have a beautiful, unique and fully functioning kitchen! I was also very curious to see how it would turn out.
First step was to put grout in the bigger grooves.
 This is the first coat of acid stain. Marlon had to do several coats to cover all the spots.
Still wet!

                              And this is what it looked like when it was all dry!! How cool!
 A family friend and his son came 2 days later to seal the floor after it was dry. They used a fancy sealer and sprayed it on with a pump sprayer. It was VERY smelly... but dissipated mostly by the end  of the first day. 

Sealer going on, what a difference!!! It brought out all the cool textures and colors of the stain.

         And done! How beautiful is that??? We are LOVING it. It turned out so wonderful.

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